Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Mungkin bila tiba musim orang mendirikan rumah tangga golongan yang mempunyai saiz tubuh badan yang agak gempal atau besar ini mungkin sedikit gelisah kerana memikirkan masalah berkaitan dengan saiz baju pengantin.

Kemungkinan harus ditempah dan mungkin mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk di siapkan. Tetapi di sini saya ingin kongsikan Tips Baju Pengantin Saiz Besar.

Wanita bertubuh gempal, bersaiz L (besar), XL (lebih besar) atau lebih daripada itu selalunya mengalami kesukaran terutama mencari pakaian. Tidak kira sama ada pakaian ke pejabat mahu pun kasual, masalah menjadi lebih sukar apabila ingin memilih pakaian pengantin sempena majlis raja sehari.

Selalunya, agak menyedihkan apabila ada insan bertubuh besar terpaksa menyarung apa saja koleksi pakaian pengantin yang disediakan walaupun rekaannya tidak menepati cita rasa, tidak sesuai dan tidak berpadanan dengan bentuk tubuh. Bagaimanapun, bagi yang mahu tampil cantik mengikut kehendak, ada yang terpaksa mengeluarkan belanja lebih dengan membelinya sendiri, walaupun hanya memakainya sekali seumur hidup.

Berdasarkan pemerhatian dalam pasaran industri perkahwinan, tidak banyak pemilik butik dan pereka pakaian pengantin gemar menyediakan saiz pakaian ataupun gaun pengantin bersaiz L, XL dan XXL. Ini kerana, rata-ratanya berpendapat pakaian yang direka menerusi saiz besar itu tidak akan nampak cantik dan memikat hati pelanggan.

Justeru itu, ia menjadi masalah kepada pengantin bertubuh gempal kerana sukar mencari baju bersesuaian dengan tema untuk majlis bersejarah mereka. Lantaran itu, bakal mempelai terpaksa membuat tempahan atau membeli sendiri pakaian pengantin dikehendaki walaupun memakainya hanya sekali.
PEMAKAIAN gaun putih dan penggunaan aksesori vale atau layah labuh hingga bawah punggung menunjukkan pengantin gempal nampak tinggi.

Jika ingin menyewa pula, tidak banyak pakaian atau gaun yang cantik, menarik dan bersesuaian dengan cita rasa mereka. Terpaksa pula pergi dari satu butik ke satu butik untuk mencari yang sesuai, tetapi secara tidak langsung, ia sudah mengambil masa lama.

Pereka perkahwinan dari That White Dress Plus dari Petaling Jaya, Gvee, berkata bagi mengenal pasti saiz tubuh sama ada besar atau lebih besar ialah ukuran pinggul yang melebihi 40 inci iaitu membabitkan zon L (besar), sementara melebihi ukuran 42 inci pula tergolong dalam lingkungan zon XL ( lebih besar).

Bagi orang biasa, panjang kain yang diperlukan hanya empat meter , manakala mereka yang bertubuh L dan XL menggunakan kain lima meter panjang ke atas.

Gvee berkata, tidak dinafikan kebanyakan butik pengantin tidak menyediakan pakaian pengantin yang disewa untuk saiz besar seperti itu kerana kelihatan tidak cantik. Itulah masalah yang dihadapi kebanyakan pengantin bersaiz besar berikutan tidak dapat menggayakan baju mengikut cita rasa terkini.


PELAPIS dalam baju atau lining bahagian lengan membantu menutupi bahagian gempal dan pengantin nampak sopan.

"Jika menempah baju sendiri mengikut rekaan dikehendaki, mereka pula dikenakan kos tinggi kerana kuantiti kain yang diperlukan lebih banyak dari wanita bersaiz kecil dan sederhana. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka perlu menggunakan kain sepanjang lebih lima hingga enam meter untuk sepasang baju," katanya ketika ditemui, baru-baru ini.

Gvee berkata, jenis potongan juga memainkan peranan untuk bakal mempelai tampil mempersona di hari bahagia. Khusus untuk pengantin bertubuh gempal, baju yang dipakai sepatutnya menutupi bawah punggung.

"Contohnya, jika pengantin hendak memakai kebaya pendek, ia tidak boleh terlalu pendek kerana boleh menjejaskan penampilan dan akan nampak lebih besar dan rendah.

"Seeloknya, baju dan kain potongan duyung sangat sesuai kerana ia boleh menyeimbangi bentuk badan, terutama kelebaran punggung. Bagi yang teringin memakai kebaya labuh, potongan kebaya begitu elok kerana terdapat belahan di depan badan. Belahan berkenaan memberi ilusi panjang pada pemakainya.

"Selain itu, pada bahagian tangan pula, mereka lebih sesuai dengan potongan 'loceng'," katanya.

Bagi yang ingin menggunakan fabrik lace dan satin sebagai alas, pakaian mereka perlu mempunyai lapik di bahagian dalam sebagai 'lining' supaya dapat menutupi bahagian kulit badan yang nampak besar, terutama bahagian lengan.

"Fabrik yang bersesuaian dengan pengantin bertubuh saiz L ke atas, lebih cantik dengan jenis lace lembut kerana ia bakal membuatkan badan mereka lebih kecil kerana ia akan memberi impak jatuh dan fabrik itu melekat pada badan.

"Elakkan fabrik jenis keras seperti kain baldu atau songket yang akan memberi ilusi lebih gempal. Sungguhpun rekaannya cantik bak bidadari, namun kesan ramping pada badan tidak menonjol," katanya.

Gvee berkata, penggunaan 'vale' "Veil" atau layah kepala juga perlu labuh dari paras pinggang ke bawah. Ini boleh menunjukkan wanita bertubuh gempal nampak tinggi dan bergaya apabila layah melepasi bawah punggung.

"Jika potongan layah berkenaan agak senteng atau singkat, ia menjejaskan penampilan pengantin kerana nampak lebih rendah dari ketinggian asal," katanya.

Warna juga penting untuk diberi perhatian dalam pemilihan pakaian pengantin. Warna yang paling sesuai perlu mempunyai gabungan antara warna cerah dan gelap untuk keseimbangan.

"Jika ingin memakai warna ungu, pilihan yang sesuai ialah ungu tua atau biru atau biru tua atau gelap kerana warna berkenaan membantu tubuh nampak lebih langsing dan ramping serta lebih kecil daripada saiz sebenar," katanya.

Pasangan mempelai bak pinang di belah dua, pasti nampak hebat jika tidak memilih material atau warna yang memberi unsur berkilat. Ini boleh menambahkan potongan badan nampak lebih besar akibat pantulan cahaya di bahagian tertentu.

Gvee berkata, menyedari masalah dihadapi mempelai bertubuh gempal, That White Dress Plus tidak ketinggalan menyediakan berbagai rekaan khusus untuk pilihan bakal raja sehari.

"That White Dress tampil merealisasikan impian perkahwinan pelanggan serta membantu memenuhi kehendak mereka tanpa mengira saiz badannya.

"Matlamat kita untuk menjadikan majlis perkahwinan sebagai majlis paling bermakna kerana ia berlaku sekali seumur hidup. Jadi, pastikan potongan pakaian pengantin yang akan digayakan pada majlis bersejarah itu, nampak menyerlah dan semuanya berpuas hati," katanya.


Hubungi lah That White Dress Plus untuk maklumat selanjutnya!

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With over 50+ new Plus size collection available for rental in store, you will sure to find That White Dress here.

Sizes available for rental in store from UK size 14 - 20. Custom Make or Custom rent options are available too.

As a bridal expert in Plus Size Wedding Dress in Malaysia, our bridal consultants are more than happy to share advice on getting the perfect wedding gown for your Big Day!

We are a bridal boutique specialise in Plus Size Wedding Gown based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, KL, easily accessible from Dataran Prima, Bandar Utama, Kelana Jaya and SS2, Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur.



Nak cari baju pengantin bukan perkara mudah, bukan sekali datang butik terus jumpa yang berkenan. Kalau yang bertuah dapatlah apa yang diimpikan, tapi kira ikut nasib. Ada yang pelbagai majalah sudah dibelek, setiap butik pengantin sudah digeledah tapi masih belum jumpa yang ideal. Bila sudah jumpa, beberapa faktor lain pula harus dipertimbangkan seperti kos perbelanjaan, tema majlis, pandangan ibu bapa serta bermacam lagi yang memang buat anda dan pasangan pening. Tapi nak buat macam mana, nak kahwin memang kena hadap semua itu.

Untuk itu, pengasas Curvy Brides Boutique Jo Cooke dan Alison Law sedia menyelamatkan para wanita yang berbadan besar dalam mencari wedding dress idaman.

Saiz sangat penting

Jo dan Alison menekankan bahawa gaun pengantin anda mungkin akan menjadi pakaian paling mahal dan penting yang akan dimiliki dan dipakai. Oleh itu, jangan salah faham saiz koleksi baju pengantin untuk wanita berbadan besar sama dengan koleksi standard yang lain. Setiap orang punya saiz yang berbeza, jadi jangan takut untuk mengukur diri dan mendapatkan gaun yang paling sempurna.

Buat kajian sebanyak mungkin

Jika anda sudah mempunyai senarai kedai pengantin yang anda rancang untuk melawat, terus buat panggilan untuk memastikan mereka mempunyai saiz besar untuk anda mencubanya. Sesetengah kedai ada mengiklankan bahawa mereka mempunyai baju bersaiz besar yang tersedia walhal hakikatnya mereka perlu memesan terlebih dahulu. Jadi jangan buang masa datang dari jauh tetapi hanya kekecewaan yang diperolehi.

Lebih terbuka memilih gaya

Jo dan Alison selalu menggalakkan pelanggan mereka untuk berani mencuba stail yang baru dan membuat pilihan. Bak kata “anda tidak akan tahu jika tidak mencuba” – cuba berfikiran terbuka dan pergi kepada stail yang tidak pernah anda cuba sebelum ini.

Pilih biar yang terbaik

Ini merupakan hari istimewa anda, jadi anda berhak untuk menginginkan apa yang anda mahu dan paling penting terbaik – dapatkan apa yang anda mahu. Jo sentiasa memastikan pelanggannya gembira dan suka dengan pilihan mereka bukan setakat menurut pandangan sahaja. Jo dan Al sama sekali tidak gembira jika pelanggan hanya merasakan ‘okay’ tentang pilihan mereka.

Jangan sesekali online shopping

Memang mudah bila fikirkan anda mempunyai semua yang digambarkan – duduk di rumah, melayari laman web untuk sesuatu yang berpatutan, cari dan ‘adding to cart’. Berhati-hati dengan laman web murah ini kerana mereka ada alasan mengapa mereka tawarkan harga murah. Ada kemungkinan besar ia ditawar murah kerana kualiti sub-standard sahaja. Jo dan Alison menjelaskan bukan mustahil untuk mencari pakaian yang berpatutan di kedai, kena tahu musim dan pakej yang ada.

Yang penting perkahwinan anda sepatutnya menjadi salah satu hari-hari terbaik dalam hidup maka buatlah pilihan yang terbaik dan nikmatinya.


Make an appointment with us now to try on our beautiful wedding gowns.

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WeddingJournalOnline speaks to award-winning blogger Gabriella from Blossom Bride on her top tips for looking AMAZING on the big day as a plus size bride.

The perfect fit

Curvy Chic Bridal –

There is not a woman in the world who doesn’t look fabulous in a corset! Corsets contain lots of boning that creates a flawless silhouette, smoothing out any lumps and accentuating your natural waist. Gabriella says, ‘Don’t worry if a corset bodice isn’t your personal style, although they look great on everyone, that doesn’t mean you have to wear one! When shopping for your wedding dress take inspiration from the corset and look for wedding gowns that have boning in the bodice to help bring out your hour glass figure. Alternatively, combine a corset bodice with an on-trend topper, like this gorgeous style from Curvy Chic Bridal, giving you two looks in one!’

Make the most of your curves

plus size bride in fit and flare gown
Dallas by Callista –

‘Avoid anything too loose, as figure hugging dresses with lots of structure look beautiful on plus size girls,’ says Gabriella. ‘It’s about making the most of your curves rather than trying to skim them. A fishtail wedding dress will draw attention to your proportional hips and bust, while am embellished belt will help to cinch you in at the waist emphasising your incredible shape.’

It’s all about what’s underneath

control slip for under plus size bridal dress
Marisota Magisculpt Multiway Control Slip –

‘Let’s talk about underwear. A correctly fitting bra has the ability to completely change your posture, so although we should be wearing a bra that fits every day, it’s never more important than on your wedding day. Wear a good fitting bra when shopping for your gown and get measured by an expert before buying your wedding underwear. If wearing a figure hugging wedding dress, you might also like to think about shapewear. A controlled suit or slip, can add extra support and smooth out any areas you aren’t happy with while eliminating VPL.’

Bring on the ballgown

plus size ball gown
Rose from the Silhouette Collection by Romantica –

The trademark fuller skirt of a ballgown is perfect for the curvy bride as the material skims the bottom half and draws attention to the shoulders, bust and hourglass waist. ‘A timeless ballgown or more bohemian A-line gown provides a welcome alternative for plus size brides who don’t love the fit and flare look,’ says Gabriella. ‘The key to making this style work for you is again, the fitted bodice!’

Be my sweetheart

plus size wedding dress with sweetheart neckline
Style 4394 by the Allure Women Collection by Allue Bridals –

Brides who are blessed in the bust area really suit a sweetheart neckline. Gabriella says, ‘The unique shape of the neckline provides extra coverage where needed, while the lowest point of the dip elongates the neck area. Many brides get a sweetheart neckline confused with a strapless gown which isn’t the case! Any gown with straps or sleeves can dip elegantly into a sweetheart neckline.’

For more style tips and wedding inspiration for Curvy Brides, head over to That White Dress!




Make an appointment with us now to try on our beautiful Plus Size Wedding Gown Collection!

Contact us:

Call us               : +6010-265 0056

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With over 50+ new Plus size collection available for rental in store, you will sure to find That White Dress here.

Sizes available for rental in store from UK size 14 - 20. Custom Make or Custom rent options are available too.

As a bridal expert in Plus Size Wedding Dress in Malaysia, our bridal consultants are more than happy to share advice on getting the perfect wedding gown for your Big Day!

We are a bridal boutique specialise in Plus Size Wedding Gown based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, KL, easily accessible from Dataran Prima, Bandar Utama, Kelana Jaya and SS2, Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur.




Shopping for a wedding dress can be an exciting (and stressful) endeavor for any bride. But it can become daunting when the average American woman wears a size 14, yet many bridal stores cater to a size six and don't carry gown samples in plus sizes. Every body type is beautiful and no one should settle for anything less than their dream wedding dress. Full-figured brides, here are some tips to keep in mind while shopping for the big day.


1. Determine a budget before shopping for a gown.
Plus-size gowns are pricier than other sizes because manufacturers charge a higher percentage for more material, beading and lace. As excited as you may be to start shopping, work out your budget first. Avoid trying on gowns outside of your price range because you'll either fall in love with one and be disappointed by every other dress you see (even if they're just as beautiful), or you'll blow your budget.


2. It's normal to wear a bigger size in bridal than you would in everyday clothing.
Bridal sizes run smaller than streetwear sizes, aka regular clothes. You’re considered a plus-size bride if you normally wear a size 14 or higher, which would be a size 16 in bridal. Most designers do offer plus sizes, but many stores only carry samples in sizes 8, 10 and 12. Call your local bridal store before you go shopping to ensure that they'll be able to accommodate you.


3. Choose figure-flattering fabrics.
Thicker fabrics such as taffeta are ideal for curvy brides because they smooth everything out, creating a streamlined silhouette. Be aware that strapless styles can make shoulders look wider, so consider opting for styles with thicker straps or cap sleeves. Avoid heavily-beaded bodices and appliqués, which can draw attention to areas you’d prefer to minimize.

4. Find the perfect silhouette for your shape.
The most important advice for finding a wedding dress is to know your body shape. Top-heavy brides with hourglass figures look great in trumpet silhouettes, whereas an A-line cut is better if you're bottom-heavy, and apple-shaped brides look best in empire dresses or ballgowns.

Just because you're a plus-size bride doesn't mean you can't wear a fitted gown! Look for a style that flares out at the knee, or right above or below it. The perfect dress isn't complete without the right undergarments. 

5. Be confident!
While shopping for a wedding dress, don't be timid. Tell the consultant exactly what you want, and don't let them pressure you into buying a style you're not in love with, no matter how flattering it is. The right dress should make you feel comfortable in your own skin. It's just as important to know what your dislikes are as it is to find out what you love. Stay true to yourself and don't be afraid to seek advice from family and friends!



Make an appointment with us now to try on our beautiful Plus Size Wedding Gown Collection!

Contact us:

Call us               : +6010-265 0056

Email                 : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact form    : Click here!

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With over 50+ new Plus size collection available for rental in store, you will sure to find That White Dress here.

Sizes available for rental in store from UK size 14 - 20. Custom Make or Custom rent options are available too.

As a bridal expert in Plus Size Wedding Dress in Malaysia, our bridal consultants are more than happy to share advice on getting the perfect wedding gown for your Big Day!

We are a bridal boutique specialise in Plus Size Wedding Gown based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, KL, easily accessible from Dataran Prima, Bandar Utama, Kelana Jaya and SS2, Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur.




Apart from marrying the love of your life, there are few things during your wedding planning that elicit as much anticipation as finding your dream dress. Here are some tips for plus-size brides. 

“It is important for each woman to find the right dress, so they are comfortable on the day and they can enjoy themselves without worrying,” says Michelle Beresford, owner of Empire Bridal in Beaconsfield, Melbourne.

“Remember – this dress will be in all your photos, so finding the right dress contributes to your happy memories when looking back through all your photos.”

Traipsing around to dozens of dress stores, dealing with cramped change rooms and googling every dress shop possible during your search is exhausting as it is, but for curvier women, it can be even more challenging, when the market doesn’t always cater to a wide range of sizes.

It’s particularly discouraging when sample bridal gowns are often only available in small sizes, for example, says Michelle, who will be introducing a range of on-trend plus-size gowns into her store in December.

“I love working with brides and helping them find their dream dress, it is such an exciting and happy time for a bride and it is a privilege to be involved. My role is to essentially help each bride navigate through the endless options of bridal gowns and make the process stress-free and enjoyable.”

In Michelle’s experience, regardless of what size her clients are, they all have the challenge of finding a great dress that suits their body shape and shows off their best assets. She doesn’t view her plus-size clients any differently, as they all come in different shapes like any other woman – some may have smaller busts, others may be more well-endowed, for example.

The most important thing is to communicate with your stylist and let her help you out, says Michelle.

“Brides can often feel overwhelmed by all the choices, so don’t be afraid to talk to the stylist and let him or her know what you are thinking,” she suggests. “It helps when brides let us know which parts of the dresses they do and don’t like. That way we can work together to find the perfect gown for you.”

Here are Michelle’s top five tips for finding the perfect dress for plus-size ladies.

Keep an open mind

By all means, hit up Pinterest to seek inspiration and create moodboards for the kind of dress that you’re looking for. However, it’s also a good idea to try other styles you may not have previously considered, advises Michelle. After all, it can be hard to figure out what a dress on a hanger might look like on you until you give it a go. You never know – you might just come away from the store pleasantly surprised.

However, an A-line style is universally flattering on all body shapes, says Michelle.

“It’s the most popular choice for plus size brides, as the bodice acts as the tummy-shaper to create a waistline and then the skirt gently falls away from the hip,” she explains.

“In December, we’ll be bringing in Dale, Danice and Darcy from the Peter Trends range. They all work really well for plus-sized brides as they have a couture-fit bodice to give great shape and support. The sweetheart or V-neck necklines work well as these shapes minimise the bust and elongates the neck and the soft and flowy chiffon fabric of the A-line skirts, fall beautifully from the hip.”

empire bridal wedding dress

Strap yourself in

Looking to create a slim waistline? Corsets are a sexy option that can help bring your waist in and give you alluring curves in all the right places, says Michelle. They’re also a great way to help give you some structure and hide your tummy, as well as give you some lift to your bust area.

Just make sure you haven’t laced yourself in so tightly that you can’t breathe when you walk down the aisle.


Consider the fabrics

Consider a variety of fabrics that best suit your shape. According to Michelle, plus-size brides should keep their eye out for soft, flowy fabrics like chiffon.

However, thicker fabrics can also offer some support and structure, creating a more streamlined silhouette, such as taffeta and sturdy satin, which is generally flattering for all body shapes. It’s probably best to avoid shiny, heavily-beaded bodices and appliques, which can highlight areas you may want to draw attention away from.

plus size bride shopping tips

Shapewear is your friend

From Kim Kardashian to Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry, any celebrity worth her stilettos knows the secret to looking fabulous on the red carpet lies in shapewear.

You could be wearing the most gorgeous dress in the world, but if the foundations underneath it are all wrong, it will ruin the overall look. And who are we to are we to argue with JLo?

“We recommend purchasing body shape wear for the tummy region and bringing it with you to the appointment,” advises Michelle. “It really helps the dress skim down over the stomach and creates a beautiful smooth line. Don’t worry about finding the right bra before the dress, as you won’t know what neckline your dress will be.”

These days, there’s a wide range of shapewear for you to choose from and technology has advanced in leaps and bounds, so whether you’d like your tummy tucked in or your thighs sucked in, there will be something for you within your price range at the shops.

Toss the rulebook

At the end of the day, it’s important for you to select a dress that makes you feel fabulous, regardless of any rules. Whether it’s long or short, fitted or floaty, who cares what anyone else thinks?

“Choose a gown that you love. When it’s time to make the decision, remember it’s your day,” advises Michelle.


Make an appointment with us now to try on our beautiful Plus Size Wedding Gown Collection!

Contact us:

Call us               : +6010-265 0056

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Contact form    : Click here!

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With over 50+ new Plus size collection available for rental in store, you will sure to find That White Dress here.

Sizes available for rental in store from UK size 14 - 20. Custom Make or Custom rent options are available too.

As a bridal expert in Plus Size Wedding Dress in Malaysia, our bridal consultants are more than happy to share advice on getting the perfect wedding gown for your Big Day!

We are a bridal boutique specialise in Plus Size Wedding Gown based in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, KL, easily accessible from Dataran Prima, Bandar Utama, Kelana Jaya and SS2, Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur.